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Once again we invite you on a journey deep into the history of video games.

Today 3 retro games published by Ziggurat Interactive await your discovery:

Rescue Rover Collection (-33%) is a classic pair of challenging puzzle games. Rescue your dog Rover from evil robots by solving fiendishly complex environmental puzzles.

ScubaVenture: The Search for Pirate's Treasure (-33%) is a colorful 2D side-scrolling underwater action-adventure game where you scour the wreckage of a pirate ship.

Slordax: The Unknown Enemy (-33%) is a classic top-down shoot 'em up game where you fly the deadliest ship in the galaxy on a dangerous first-strike mission.

Grab all these classic games at discounts until 14 May 2021, 1 PM UTC.
high rated
• $4.68 • -33% • Rescue Rover Collection
• $4.68 • -33% • ScubaVenture: The Search for Pirate's Treasure
• $4.68 • -33% • Slordax: The Unknown Enemy
I have to admit, I know none of these o.0
Nice to see Rescue Rover finally here. And ScubaVenture loooks interesting too.
The second game reminds me In Search of Dr. Riptide somewhat (which was really good).
Rescue Rover was developed by Doom guys. Nice game, happy memories.
Never heard of these games but nice to see them rereleased after so many yeards.
Rescue Rover 1 and 2 are classics, but not worth $4.68.

They're from the Commander Keen era, so they should be, at most, $3.
My god, those games are right from my childhood! I have to buy them!
Post edited May 07, 2021 by Cadaver747
Wow, ScubaVenture, I think that's the only Apogee game that I never played. I'm really grateful to Ziggurat for bringing back all these oldies, even if all of them weren't gems, buying the lot of 'em now. :)
It makes me hopeful we can see many more of the obscure stuff like Cyril Cyberpunk, Clif Danger, Protostar, Nomad, and Sabre Team.
Post edited May 07, 2021 by SCPM
mm002: Rescue Rover was developed by Doom guys. Nice game, happy memories.
The space shooter was also made by Carmack.

It's kind of mind-blowing how fast it all went with Id, these games look incredibly crude and primitive compared to DOOM, which at this point was only 2 years away from its release.
I'll say it again: I love the fact that Ziggurat makes new trailers for these oldies. Kudos!
id, Apogee and Softdisk? Instabuy
Post edited May 07, 2021 by Glaucos
Great to see 1 of my wishlist entry's (Slordax with a staggering 38 votes) fullfilled.
Instabuy for all 3.
Rescue Rover strikes me as something that GOG would have rejected not that long ago, and if that's the case I'm glad GOG loosened their curation at least a little. (I'm still unhappy with some rejections made of course)