Posted August 27, 2018

Someone could tell that GOG/CDP is/are companies dealing with games and due to that fact they're rather neutral about politics, it's not their "cup of tea" etc. Which would be a good argument for avoiding all "political stuff" on this forum.
The problem is, that they're not "neutral", in fact they're very engaged and it has some practice impact.
Example - CD-Projekt in Poland released "special edition" of game "Democracy 3", which was full of primitive and tendencious jokes from political party which has created current government (aside from "joke side", openly suggesting most of accusations made by current opposite parties).
Now, about GOG - GOG did not released Hatred game, not because it was full of violence. Reason was that some "journalist" has found out that one of the game creators was accused of "contacts" with "unliked" by liberal media organisations (organisation is functioning 100% legal) and wearing a t-shirt glorifying one of the polish partisan groups fighting with both Germans and soviet troops, which was considered as "scandalous", only because some uneducated journalists have called this group antisemitic.
On the other hand, GOG doesn't have any issue with releasing games like "Not Tonight", which producer included a lot of leftist "communicates" inside game.
And cherry on top - basing on info I've gathered on various events in CPD/GOG building, my talks with their employees (not going to reveal their identity though) etc, it's clear, that majority of GOG's crew is openly leftist/liberal in their beliefs and they're very rude and arrogant for people who are presenting vastly different beliefs than theirs.
I'm generally trying not to think about GOG's crew in this aspect, since they're showing themselves in this part in worsest possible form. But I do believe that those "political" threads are making them concious, that their clients are not entirely open and untolerating other beliefs leftist/liberals like themselves, but that many of us are sharing completely different beliefs and values.
And it's not "dull" accusation, because I gave examples that they're not neutral. I had also very unfortunate conversation with one of the tech support, who was trying to "lecture" me about beaing a good european (sic!) and that I shall use english language instead of polish (sic!). So yeah, I believe that I'm not jumping here with false accusation.
DISCLAIMER - Someone could say, that if I'm here for DRM-free games, then why bother about political actions/beliefs of GOG's crew. Answer is simple - they're not neutral in aspects where they could be neutral. And it personally "hurts" me, that guys who are doing such great job with DRM-free games stuff, are not only openly against values which are precious to me (this part I could probably "forgive", but also are presenting so tendencious approach to their activity in those aspects.
Political threads there purely to talk politics are not welcome due to 100% of them going toxic and becoming a soapbox for people to jump on and attack each other. I do believe this thread was created as bait given previous interactions with the OP, however, I'm willing to let this thread run.
The moment I see a single person attack another or use this as a platform to express racism/hate speech the thread will be closed and the users dealt with.
Post edited August 27, 2018 by Linko90