Posted October 27, 2014
Fever_Discordia: OK, almost by accident we seem to have decided to start a new forum game where we describe where we're stuck in a game or just where we are generally and you guys have to guess what game it is, the correct guesser gets to set the next game to guess!
Depending on how hard this turns out to be it might be an idea to keep this to games on GOG (or have been on GOG, in the past, at least) - this one is currently on GOG at least:
OK I'm snooping around the chateau / fortress of the grand master of the BSORC, his dead body is laid out on a slab in one room while the next room is like a library-come-laboratory with books, and a sciencey area with a bunsen burner and jars of chemicals
There seems to be a puzzle involving these chemicals, measuring spoons and a series of 'magic number' squares positioned around the room
- what game is it?
Sounds like The Samaritan Paradox :) Depending on how hard this turns out to be it might be an idea to keep this to games on GOG (or have been on GOG, in the past, at least) - this one is currently on GOG at least:
OK I'm snooping around the chateau / fortress of the grand master of the BSORC, his dead body is laid out on a slab in one room while the next room is like a library-come-laboratory with books, and a sciencey area with a bunsen burner and jars of chemicals
There seems to be a puzzle involving these chemicals, measuring spoons and a series of 'magic number' squares positioned around the room
- what game is it?
Failing that The Cat Lady.