Posted October 31, 2017
A new update for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game is now available on PC, Xbox One and PS4.
With this update we’re introducing 21 new cards - mainly neutral golds, as well as game fixes and balance changes. Additionally, we are introducing our second holiday event Saovine: Holiday of the Dead for which you’ll be able to unlock a new avatar, border, and title!
The following cards will have increased value for milling for 3 days following the release of the patch (more on this below):
The cards on the list, when milled, will create an amount of scraps and powder equal to the amount of scraps and powder needed to craft a card of the same value.
With this update we’re introducing 21 new cards - mainly neutral golds, as well as game fixes and balance changes. Additionally, we are introducing our second holiday event Saovine: Holiday of the Dead for which you’ll be able to unlock a new avatar, border, and title!
The following cards will have increased value for milling for 3 days following the release of the patch (more on this below):
The cards on the list, when milled, will create an amount of scraps and powder equal to the amount of scraps and powder needed to craft a card of the same value.