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First sry for this Bad English but im German can no one help me!!!

I bought Witcher Thronebraker then I made an account with because I did not have an account before.

said to be done would have been here still have not got any account verification by mail, only the welcome email.

In any case, I have downloaded the latest version of GoG Galaxy on the website and installed on C: \ Program Files (86) Installed program run as admin plus all rights distributed.

Now update the program but not it goes up to 4.8% and then comes an error message with the text where to download Galaxy.

When logging in "Error logging in"

My attempts so far:

Program under Gdata Released
Gdata Uninstalled + Windows Firewall Disabled + Reinstall Program. (same problem with logging in
but he has updated the program like this.
The help page of GoG completely processed even with the catalog reset no change.
Galaxy installed on another plate. (Same problem)
Galaxy under Windows Defender Released

So I do not know any further you can help me please.
Dow load the installer via going to your website account, clicking on you name, and selecting games. You should see a button for back files, if you click on that you will see the installer files, one exe and probably a bin file or several. Download all of these fully via browser. When they all have downloaded, run the exe. Install the game to a folder no in windows control, something like c:/mygames. Then play it. You don't need galaxy, and never install anything to program files.
Okay Thanks i Tried but how can i update a game without the Galaxy app?

deanvanhalen: Okay Thanks i Tried but how can i update a game without the Galaxy app?

Download the patch files when the are released, you will find them in the same place (latest ones anyway) as you download the install files.

To add, you scan from galaxy and add it after you have installed if you really need the galaxy functions.
Post edited October 24, 2018 by nightcraw1er.488