tinyE: I've been thinking about this while doing some inn work and for me to be able to properly ascertain what is and is not being censored here at GOG I need to play some of these games. Therefore I need you to send me Giants Citizen K, Postal 1&2, and Bloodraye, (I already have the 1st 2 Fallouts). Only when I can see what we are dealing with first hand can I pass judgement. Also I heard that Rollercoaster Tycoon, Incredible Machine, and both Crusader games may contain questionable material so I think for the betterment of the GOG community and for the well being of all the impressionable young children, I need to play these games and get to the bottom of this.
That being said, all this game playing will no doubt make me very hungry so in the interest of the forum I need one of you to call the nearest Little Caesars and send me a large thick crust supreme, hold the olives.
Thank you!
I see what you are doing ... >.>