You really seem to have misunderstood a lot of what I've said so PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY, just because it will clear up a LOT of confusion:
Alright, first of all I
did read the Arch wiki and it didn't solve the problem, and sudo -ll seems to look perfectly normal (compared to how it looks on my installed version of Mint) and implies that I have pretty much all permissions for everything, yet it still doesn't work.
And you're talking about an
installed version, but have you ever tried all that in
live mode on a custom ISO made in Cubic? Because I've tried it just like you said and it doesn't work!
And you're misunderstanding a few things:
I've tried basically two
separate kinds of methods:
- Using the root user for everything
- Making a new user to use instead and trying to give it root permission
I don't set up stuff in the home directory for root when I'm using the
other user - I just set it up in the home directory for whichever user I'm using.
The method for just the root user works fine except that:
- When I customize the user interface at all (which is absolutely essential for some things I need to do) by copying in a dconf/user file that I created in an installed version of linux, it causes Cinnamon to crash during startup and become unrecoverable, thus reverting to Mate (I could try the whole thing just with Mate instead, but I've had more pressing issues).
- No matter how I assign a password it doesn't work! It keeps logging in automatically no matter what I do!
The display manager that I'm using is actually lightdm and I've looked into that and messed with it a bunch. The thing is, there's a file called /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf which holds the settings, and this file exists in my installed Linux on my HD but it does NOT exist within Cubic! So I had to create the file, and put this into it:
This is following these instructions:
But when I do that, then once I make the ISO and boot it, I look in that file and it says:
As you can see, it just appends stuff to override what's already there! I'm going to try putting this into it instead:
My thinking is that it won't be able to override stuff that specifically tells it NOT to allow autologin, rather than just comments that do nothing (I read somewhere that if I set the user to nothing that prevents it).
I've even been on the Cubic message board and was told to do this: I tried it (with the exception that I swapped gdm3 for lightdm and I had to make a new file for it) and it didn't work, but like I said, next I'll try the file with the text printed just above.
As for the other method, to add a new user, by the way I'm using adduser rather than useradd (supposedly it's more compatible with Debian distributions).
In this method, it does NOT automatically log in (and Cinnamon doesn't crash), but it has the opposite problem: I can't seem to get the user to have root/sudo access and whenever I type a password it says it's invalid (which it even requires me to do for mounting and ejecting drives, even though it NEVER requires a password for that on my HD installation, and for some reason, no matter how many times I inquire about that particular issue it always falls on deaf ears - do people have some weird mind-control in their brain that prevents them from seeing that bit of text?).
You say I should change to su to check the password, but I CAN'T change to su, and that's the whole problem!
I've tried to put this user in the root group like so:
usermod -G root xyz
usermod -g 0 xyz
And I even gave the user the same password as the root user just in case that matters, but it still doesn't grant me root/sudo access. I've also tried sometimes setting the user ID to match the root (0) but that just causes the login to get confused and autologin the root instead (so it becomes like the other method).
In this method, no matter what I do, it just won't allow the extra user to have root/sudo access, even though the password works fine (it requires it for logging in, like it's supposed to).
On Cubic's website I was pointed to this page: It talks all about preseeding, which as far as I can tell has to do with setting default options for an installer, but I'm not sure how that's relevant to what I'm doing, since I only want a live mode which
can't even be installed (I'm uninstalling Ubiquity). But there's a section about users (search the page for "# User") which supposedly may be helpful, but I haven't gotten around to trying it yet because I'm still messing with the other method (for the root user), and I really have no idea how to implement reseeding, so that'll be
interesting to try and figure out.
In any case, you can see that it's a catch-22, because one method makes it log in automatically and do everything without requiring a password at all, which I don't want (at least I want to use a password for logging in), and the other method is the other extreme, so that I
can't use the password to do anything
except log in!
Do you understand the dilemma now?