I'm not sure what to make of following video:
Why the Rich are Getting Richer | Robert Kiyosaki | TEDxUCSD His two major theses are that people are lazy (want money from state) and stupid (know nothing about economy and how to get rich) and that's the reason they are poor. So being poor is one's own fault while he became rich because he is not lazy and stupid.
He mentions some real issues but gives - in my opinion - false reasons for this problems. Or in short: He mixes truth with 'lies', lies in quotes because he might really believe in what he is saying.
In my opinion he is just selling products: his books and games. Therefore there should be a sign identifying his speech as advertising.
But if one still beliefs in what this guy is saying then get his books/games from a public library and don't waste money on them because they are just liabilities...