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Adventure gaming meets Roger Rabbit.

Toonstruck, the adventure game take on Who Framed Roger Rabbit, is now available DRM-free for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux on!

You're Drew Blanc (Christopher Lloyd) - you're an artist, the cartoon kind. But you're also kind of at your wits' end. Your inspiration is gone and you've unfortunately been living up to your name, that's until something-or-other causes you to get sucked into a cartoon world in need of a champion. Toonstruck is a classic point and click adventure with the spirit of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's real-world footage in a finely animated, saturday-morning cartoon universe that gets a bit too silly - a little too grown-up, a little dangerous.

Get pulled straight into an adventure across a beautifully animated cartoon world, Toonstruck is available now, DRM-free on!
zeffyr: I believe it's perceived as a 'cult' game, am I right? I heard many about it, but never managed to actually play it.
It has over 2,000 votes on the wishlist so I guess it's not that cult-ish :D
tburger: Never heard of it but looks promising...and it has 4(!) manuals :-D
One for each language :)
Mazix7: Memories :)
gamesfreak64: yes:D

i assume the vids are also working ?

i am gonna buy it...
They are and if you have trouble, well, you know where to write, right? :D
Klumpen0815: Yes!

My favourite Point'n'Click-Adventure right after Broken Sword 1.
Glad to see all the languages included.

I finished the first Toonstruck many times but never played the second one, is it coming too?
Quote from Mobygames:

Virgin never quite recovered from Toonstruck. The cost to produce all that animation (and hire the top voice talent) was enormous, and the game was a commercial flop. This is probably the reason why the sequel, which set up at the game's ending, was never made.

(source: )
JudasIscariot: Quote from Mobygames:

Virgin never quite recovered from Toonstruck. The cost to produce all that animation (and hire the top voice talent) was enormous, and the game was a commercial flop. This is probably the reason why the sequel, which set up at the game's ending, was never made.

(source: )
Experiment513: But then again: ;-)
I hope it comes true :)
Well, I hope this means we can quell the hue and cry of "GOG, Y U NO PUT OUT OLD GAEMS!?!?!" for a while :P
JudasIscariot: Well, I hope this means we can quell the hue and cry of "GOG, Y U NO PUT OUT OLD GAEMS!?!?!" for a while :P
tfishell: Depends what people want, yo.
Mostly it's just old games, judging from what I see when we release an indie or a movie :P
JudasIscariot: Well, I hope this means we can quell the hue and cry of "GOG, Y U NO PUT OUT OLD GAEMS!?!?!" for a while :P
Experiment513: To think of it, what are the 'rejection' criteria btw? I'm trying to poke around a bit but of course I wouldn't like it if everything works out and GOG rejects it... :-P
Depends on the game, really, as there's no singular factor that determines whether a game would be a good fit in our catalogue :)
JudasIscariot: Mostly it's just old games, judging from what I see when we release an indie or a movie :P
tfishell: People want old games on a site once known as Good Old Games - shocker! ;-)

Seriously though, I think you can agree that the number of voices like that has dwindled significantly, especially with the crazy LucasArts releases. (I seem to recall a bit of dry spell during the summer but I assume that's par for the course.) And bringing well-received indie games like World of Goo or Sunless Sea shouldn't garner too many negative posts.
Dude, I know :) I was just having some fun with the community although it's hard to tell with simply text :)
Luned: Totally unexpected and completely awesome.
Erich_Zann: Nail, meet head.
Killer release indeed.

JudasIscariot: Well, I hope this means we can quell the hue and cry of "GOG, Y U NO PUT OUT OLD GAEMS!?!?!" for a while :P
Erich_Zann: Deal. You just got yourself one week respite to get Warlords 2 + 3 & the complete SSI catalogue.
Who is SSI?

Post edited February 10, 2015 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: Depends on the game, really, as there's no singular factor that determines whether a game would be a good fit in our catalogue :)
Experiment513: So, just being old isn't a good qualification? :-P
Nope, it has to be GOOD too :)

(Yes, I know we have some that are....questionable, at best, but they have their place or they are part of a series for the completionists :P)
JudasIscariot: Nope, it has to be GOOD too :)

(Yes, I know we have some that are....questionable, at best, but they have their place or they are part of a series for the completionists :P)
Klumpen0815: Daikatana *cough*
Exactly the game I had in mind when I wrote my disclaimer :P
JudasIscariot: Well, I hope this means we can quell the hue and cry of "GOG, Y U NO PUT OUT OLD GAEMS!?!?!" for a while :P
tburger: O, sancta simplicitas :-P
Note I said "for a while" :P I know full well what will happen after "for a while" :P
JudasIscariot: Note I said "for a while" :P I know full well what will happen after "for a while" :P
vicklemos: For some (or many?!), your "for a while" lasts like, 2 days max :P
I was going to write 2 days max myself but I wasn't sure about the grammar as the Polish language is getting to me a bit and mixing things up with the English language :D