KiliKelvin: And the remarkable crossover between gaming and other entertainment and social spheres brings some enrichment.
The years have led to improvements but also negatives like shorter SP campaigns for some games (to focus on more MP), less focus on LAN based MP, and ever increasing replacement of in-game stats and secrets with silly text/picture popups.
Memecchi: If you support gamepass you're actively endangering game preservation and DRM-free stores, simple as,
And with some devs/pubs, buying on drm free sites at substantial markups incentivizes them to treat us like marks and fools.
"Want DRM-free buddy? Suuuuuuure, that'll just be a 100% markup ya schmuc....err friend :)" Back when gog first started and partners could only pick from two low price points, things were ok for awhile. Then the dam was breached and limits removed, and we are where we are now with "totally reasonable prices" like $60 for Epic Mickey.