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^ *throws an evil toaster and a butter knife for the easier spreading of chaos*
^ Throws a new years present, an abstract idea, at you and watches your face as you receive (/get) it.
Throw a confetti cannonball at ^ and scream "Happy new year!"
^ Throws a tin can opener to help you out of your armour.
^ * throws a plentiful parcel of pink and purple party poppers and a bottle of champagne *
low rated
<-----Throws a plate of cheeses and crackers at(to) Hooyah for New year's---^
low rated
^ *throws a punch*

(sorry that it wasn't the good punch, the revelers imbibed it all yesterday)
Throws an electric shaver
low rated
^ Throws money at you.....Sorry, bad luck you were too slow.
^ throws a Poké Ball, in order to capture and evolve the user above.
*throws a wet towel
Throws both letters v and u at you.

You should probably replace those two digits in your username with the letters I just gave you.
Throws out points from Whose Line Is It Anyways.
Throws Any key at ^ because your keyboard seems missing the key.
low rated
^ Throws a cushion, for a softer landing.