TCMU2009: So is Alpha Protocol actually good? I'd like to play it, cause Black Isle/Obsidian has quickly become my favorite developer after playing Planescape and New Vegas.
Depends on what you're looking for. My biggest complaint probably is that there is no town or hub areas. The shooting works like how Deus Ex or ME does, low level your aiming is horrible and misses a lot and takes a long time. level up and you shoot fine. The game is short, you should level up at least one weapon skill for the boss fights (recommendation pistol or assault rifle). It isn't like Planescape: torment or New Vegas where you can be a fighter or a pacifist. Sometimes in Alhpa Protocl you will have to fight some hard bosses. The levels are linear but there is a more degree of choice effecting how the story develops compared to most games.
Damn, how the heck do I do this I can make any of the games I love sound bad because I focus on the negative too much. lol. Alpha Protocol is a fun game, do not expect something as good as Planescape: Torment. I would say overall Alpha Protocol is most like the Mass Effect games, but the gameplay focusing more on how you level up then shooting ability or reflexes. I found the game to be awesome, but I think objectively probably not awesome. I still don't think it deserve the hate it got from reviews.