Thespian*: Count me in, but if I win, could you please send the prize to Death2Videodrome? Please feel free to disregard my entry if it's not possible (not sure if the re-gifting rule applies to this case).
kodeen: Edit: I missed that he posted right after you, so that's sorted.
Theta_Sigma: Does this this include the Linux versions? If so Bastion is the only one I would ask for. :)
kodeen: I have no idea, I would hope that they extend the Windows->Mac "buy once, play anywhere" thing to Linux as well. Probably not Bastion any time soon, since it isn't currently listed on Steam for that. Are you in the beta? If so, how is it? Oh silly me, I didn't notice they are Steam keys. I have it for Steam already. It is an awesome game. It should be released as a Linux version when Steam for Linux comes out of beta. Fantastic game as I've said. If it's cool I'll switch my selection to: