Posted March 13, 2012
wodmarach: Actually copyright exists from the second your thoughts hit the paper/screen just make sure you record the date somehow.
cjrgreen: Although copyright comes into existence as soon as your work is fixed in a medium, nobody will enforce a copyright for you. You get to do that yourself, and you will quickly find that unless your work actually has significant commercial value, the game is not worth the candle. While this gives you an easier way through court processes in the US and the UK, not registering makes it almost impossible to enforce as you'll have a hard time proving that you own the copyright if the other party falsely claims the same.
Germany and Australia do it a little differently. They have no copyright registration service, and if you want a formal and legally admissible record of your copyright, you'll have to take it to a notary, which costs a lot.
Irrespective of the perceived quality of your work, the point is, if you don't register your work before posting your stuff online, you're going to have a really tough time enforcing it.