It was with a queen-size bed, with no air conditioner, Rp. 250.000,- per month (back in the days where 1 USD is about Rp. 2.500,- or less, so it was about 100 USD then, in comparison that 1 USD is about Rp. 9.000,- right now, see that we're falling on hard times), no hot water, no breakfast (or lunch and dinner for that matter), in a dead end street about 1 km from campus.
I lived with a family (the father was an ex-consulate general staff of Indonesia previously stationed in the US, with a wife, a son, three daughters, and two maids), so basically I rented a room. There are actually 4 rooms. I had various roommates (from 1 to 5) for a while, but they all basically moved out in the end, looking for cheaper rooms (such as one with Rp. 150.000,- rate per month). So in the end I was the only one staying for 4 years in that place.
Post edited March 20, 2012 by tarangwydion