scampywiak: But then you can't close the distance. Only swift attacks seem to do that. On the targeting, I don't know how else they could do it; in theory, it works. Swivel the camera and attack the new enemy, but unlike other games the enemies don't waste time coming at you, they all attack at once. What some people are claiming is a targeting issue is really an enemy AI issue imo. I need more time with the combat system to really figure it out.
Yes, I still use LMB when I need to close the distance (or just jump away from surrounding enemies) but once I'm close, I use RMB. This works even when you are kiting, because when they come within range, boom, strong attack, in their face - using LMB in this case might get me attacking at an enemy further behind, 2-3 hits -> staggered -> a few more hits and I'm down.
I'm not so sure it's an enemy AI issue. True the enemy is very aggressive but they act in a reasonable manner. They need to revise the algorithm they use for auto-targetting (maybe target a closest enemy + taking account the direction you are facing). They might be using the same algorithm now, but by the looks of it, it is too jumpy for my comfort.