Arizona-Willie: Well, I know it isn't cdpr's fault --- but they are the one who made the changes so it < is > their fault however they were doing the right thing and < fault > isn't a good word for it. Unintended Consequences is better. They can't help it if changes they have to make bust a 3rd party goodie.
I'm not trying to blame them ... was just posting to call attention to the issue.
I expect fixes for mod's will be posted in the next couple of days. :)
gunsynd: Yep,you need the newer version.It will keep happening each new patch updates unless
it's a small mod.
And like Hickory said not CDPR's fault.
Arizona-Willie: when you installed the game, you agreed to not mod, reverse engineering blablabla... cd project has NO RESPONSIBILITY, FAULT or whatever word you wanna use.
the software belongs to them, not to you or to the modders. so.... contact the modders.
cd project wont waste any second trying to contact any modders to make sure the intrusion software that breaks the user agreement contract will work.
youre on your own now