sariaen: Lets have it in points:
The Baron
4. Sold the country to the invader in exchange for power. Remind me again how did he get the keep? (I might be wrong here)
Yes you are.
He took over an abandoned keep.
The Lord fled the keep to get away from the war & was murdered by peasants on Fyke Isle.
sariaen: Mother
1. She is as guilty as the Baron is. So she didn't like Baron's dick but she loved her position and money?
wrong again:
He only appointed himself Baron recently, for all of their marriage he was a poor foot soldier.
When Tamara was young & wanted a Triss Merigold doll, he had to make her one because they could never afford something like that.
So no, not for money and position.
sariaen: The Village and the idiots
1. Complete lack of any willpower to live the life on their own
2. They are so stupid they are unable to learn how to plough their damn land or how to defend it.
They did plough the land, what grew was determined by the crones.
You expect unarmed dirt farmers to defend their land from armed & armored soldiers?
sariaen: 3. How long did the witches rule that part of Velen? How many people died?
3 or 4 generations & most who died in that time, died of plague (created by the tree spirit), war (the last two started by Emhyr var Emreis) or were lured to their death in the whispering hillock by the tree spirit.
So yes, thousands less than if the crones hadn't saved them from the tree spirit.
The crones are extremely powerful, they sent a fiend to collect Anna, it ripped her horse to bits, but returned her to the crones unharmed. because even that great beast is subservient to the crones.
Their retribution for crossing them is absolute.
Only a fool would disregard their power & the peasants of Downwarren were no fools.
They did what they had to, to survive.
sariaen: Next time you play guys, try not to kill the Baron's soldiers when they arrive at the village tavern (The one you are supposed to ask about Hendrik). Hear what the soldiers do afterwards. Gang rape a young a punishment for the father who told her to go and hide. Seriously? O_o no ploughing way.
They didn't gang rape her, they said there will come a time when he doesn't get her hidden in time & then they will make him watch them gang rape her.
But they are not the barons men. The baron's men are labelled as barons men, if you look at the ones who is saying that, they are just a bandits.