Posted July 17, 2015
Phoynix: Bugs existed... but games had far less bugs overall yes... but they were also far less complicated.
Kr0nyk: Yes they are more complicated now and apparently devs need to spend more time at their workstations, you know working a game, than spending more time hyping shit until people vomit and shipproduct that doesn't work or doesn't look like what was showcased. There is no damn way in a hell a modern game could be built in the same time frame as games from the 80s and 90s. Publishers need to extend dev time budgets for modern games so they get polish and some actual QA time. Look at Arkham Knight and AC: Unity for PC, if those are examples of the future of PC gaming, I'll pass on it and find another damn hobby altogher and save money not having to buy power hungry hardware.