This game is one of the last releases from Squaresoft for the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom, and as with other games of the era, it has never been released officially in the West. The game is a semi-serious attempt to make a tactical RPG, with designs and a gameplay that's reminiscent of Final Fantasy VI, but with a quirky, comedic and even raunchy storyline about a band of freedom fighters against the advances of an empire in a world comprised of islands in the sky. The gameplay is unique even now, with units tied to powerful dragons that act independently but also provide them with special elemental attacks. The terrain can be altered by using these moves on the map, such as creating ice bridges in water by using Ice attacks or destroying obstacles with Fire or Lightning attacks. The fan translation helped people like me enjoy the story but I feel Square Enix should consider bringing this game, a testament to their creativity, to Western lands in order to make this chapter of their history proudly available to consumers. Tactical RPGs are few and far between, and Bahamut Lagoon, preceding Final Fantasy Tactics by years, should not be left in obscurity, hidden in the depths of the Internet where the new gamers rarely step, particularly when re-releases of FFT and Tactics Ogre are always well-received.