BATTLEFIELD VIETNAM was so much fun as a LAN party game, back in the day! We, uh, played the crap out of it. For a long time. I'd love to play it again but it doesn't seem to be available that I can find. There are download sites out there but I question their legality as they don't seem to have a license to distribute. Great soundtrack! Great action, the vehicles were very interesting, the guns were all utilitarian (by that I mean extremely useful in the tasks for which they were designed originally) with their own characteristics and the ballistics seemed pretty accurate from what I recall. Not too many games simulate/calculate ballistics very well. I may be mis-remembering this, getting it mixed up with some other game from the same time period. Personally, I even enjoyed singleplayer with bots when I couldn't get LAN multiplayer. Please make sure LAN multiplayer works well! BATTLEFIELD 1942 was awesome as well! Nearly 25 years later and my friends and I still tell stories about these games! I always thought that BATTLEFIELD VIETNAM was the best of the series. Its gameplay was just so much fun! The vehicles added unique challenges to master and huge advantages, balanced by either being difficult to use or too irresistible to players to ignore. I used to have a lot of fun with the tanks and mobile artillery. We used to have amazing tank battles in LAN MP. Great game, for sure. One of my all-time favorites.