After falling in love with RPGs with the first Breath of Fire, my brother and I perused an early 1996 issue of GamePro (the one with Spinal from Killer Instinct on it) at the local K-Mart and we FLIPPED when we saw a sequel, Breath of Fire II, was available on SNES! I got it shortly after for my 7th birthday and it's remained one of my favorite games of all time. Lovely pixel art, fun and challenging turn-based combat, a custom town building sidequest, shamans that enhance and morph your party into utter badasses, multiple interesting modes of transporation, lovable characters, rockin' battle themes, and an emotional and whimsical story that'll make you laugh and cry and send shivers down your spine. It's my ultimate comfort game and I wish more people could experience it on GOG through emulation, port, remaster, remake, what-have-you!