Not only one of the best RPGs of all time, Dragon Quest VIII can be considered one of the best games of all time! DQ VIII has all ingredients for an unforgetable game! The amazing story by Dragon Quest's creator Yuji Horii, the art of legendary Akira Toriyama and the epic soundtrack by the music master Koichi Sugiyama... All of this packed on an amazing adventure with delicious cel-shading graphics that lets you involved in that amazing world for incontable hours, and when you are in the last boss, the tears of joy and sadness (because you know that your are saving that world but that awesome story is coming to an end) are rolling by your face, and you know that moment will be marked in your mind and heart for the rest of your life... So, this is the reason that Dragon Quest VIII: The Sky, the Sea, the Earth and the Cursed Princess (I like the japanese subtitle more) is a must play for all publics! So i think that GoG could do a partnership with Square-Enix to bring back not only Dragon Quest VIII but all DQ games that didn't come yet! So that's it!!!