i love the idea of this getting ported, but I think it be really funny if they did this before any other games, imagine they ported THIS before any of the silent hill games
I remember playing the demo, St Mere l'Eglise mission, I've never played a game so immersive. I literally finish the mission shaking.
PS: the card refer to the NGage (nokia phone) version of the game, I didn't see a card for the PC version?
Got more than 3000h in online multiplayer, also with the expansion pack. Huge part of my youth! I'd love to play it on mac or crossover!
Loved this game to much and greeting to my old Clan :D
J'ai fait le jeu il y a 20 ans et j'en ai un très bon souvenir, des missions poignantes, une bonne immersion dans les combats, j'aimerais bien pouvoir y rejouer avec mes enfants sur nos PC actuels.
grałem w tą część na kompie 15 razy na XP przechodziłem ją dni i tygodnie lub nie cały tydzień albo jeszcze przeszedłem ją a ciągu jednego dnia grając w nią nie całe 7 lub 8 godzin i chciałbym żeby była wydana po polsku .
I played +1000 hours CoD Multiplayer after school. The good old days of dedicated servers with a server browser. You could join any server you like and some servers had special mods or custom maps to change the game experience. It was never boring to play "search and destroy" or "team deathmatch" rounds.
This really needs to be ported. At the moment, the only way you can play this game is via the PS3 port of the Classic version of the game. PC struggles to run it, and emulation can't run it. At least not all the way. It's such a shame to see Microsoft and Activision treat the game that started this series in this way. The original Call of Duty's sole hope is this program.