This game allowed me to experience the Pikes Peak Hill Climb course for the first time in a simulator setting and my mind was blown on just how challenging it can be to concentrate for so long! I feel that Colin McRae: DiRT had the best balance between simulation-caliber nuance and arcade-racer-style simplicity out of the rest of the DiRT series. It embodied CodeMasters' trademark (of that time) of delivering no-nonsense, jump-in-and-race, realistic racing experiences to racing game fans and I was all for it. I had it on the PlayStation 3 first, but it was so good, I bought it on Steam to play on the PC. However, it wasn't long before it was taken off Steam, due to "lack of operating system support" but it was later discovered it was because of licensing. Even though CodeMasters (now EA) has made a return to no-nonsense rally simulation with the Dirt Rally (now EA WRC) series, I still wish to go back to simpler times when you can still experience rally with a great physics model without needing to set up a steering wheel rig. I also heard that people who still own a standalone PC copy of the game can play on current Windows PCs with a little finessing of the config files. With GoG's DRM-Free distribution, in addition to their effort to ensure that games work "out-of-the-box" with in-house support, seeing Colin McRae: DiRT on GoG would be amazing to see and a no-brainer purchase.