22 years and this title still holds up remarkably well. Nothing released since has measured up to the quality of this game, and when you factor in the modding scene, it makes for a title that goes from great to irreplaceable. The core driving model is excellent, and the customizable AI make for solid opponents, which leads to compelling racing. I still play this when I can, and my only real fear is not that the game will ever be forgotten, but that it one day be rendered unplayable on a modern system. There is only so much a community of players can do to keep a game alive, so having it be preserved officially would be phenomenal. This is hardly the only game I would love to preserve, but it is one on my personal favorites. It has become a comfort game, something I know so well that I do not have to think about what to do; I can just hit the track and drive. I know that I will never forget this seminal title, and I would like others to be able to officially experience this game as well.