Had this Game since its first sale on PS4, i think around 2015. I always hoped that they'd some day would add PSVR support as well, just like they have on PC. And with the announcement of Odyssey i thought all my dreams for this magnificent piece of video-game history would finally become reality... But nope, Frontier instead decided to stop all further development for consoles.. Instead offering to transfer your save-file over to PC, if you choose to buy the game there again, for full price. Without any premium currency of course...
This game was crowdfunded on the promise, that it would become open source, once it would no longer be profitable enough to maintain by Frontier.. However Frontier now employs every scummy monetization strategy, to prevent that from happening, while also running the game into the ground.
Selling Pre-equipped Early-Access ships for Premium currency instead of expanding the Sandbox they created in any meaningful way is only one of many.(If you want to know more, i highly suggest watching "the Yamiks" on Youtube)
Instead of using the ship building mechanic that works so well, for ground vehicles and maybe even gear for your foot missions as well, you just get two cookie cutter vehicles(only one if you're stuck on console) and pre-made Guns and Suits instead. Ships cannot interact directly with ground units in Horizons, besides docking and cargo transfer. Trust me, I've tried to fly CAS missions with purpose build ships, over Guardian structures for my friends.
This game needs to be taken over by the community who truly cares for it!
There is so much wasted potential... In fact an entire GALAXY of potential!