Far Cry 4 is my desert island/forever game. I own it on Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, PC DVD-ROM (Complete Edition) and Steam. It is my most consistently played PC video game and has been so for the last half decade, just below Dying Light 1 and MechWarrior 5 Mercs in actual play time. I've even started playing it on my Steam Deck OLED which runs the game very well at MEDIUM to HIGH settings. I don't know how or why but I have never grown tired of replaying this game and not only that, it is the only game I enjoy restarting from complete zero. All of my other most favorite/played games need to have some form of either a NG+ mode (DL and MW5M) or method of horizontal cross-save progression (DL using MP, Grim Dawn and Terraria) or easy cheats/console commands. For me the Far Cry series go's as follows: - #1. Far Cry 4 - #2. Far Cry Primal - #3. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - #4. Far Cry 2 - #5. Far Cry 3 - #6. Far Cry 5 - I sincerely doubt Ubisoft in their current state as of February 2025 will ever re-publish any of their games on this platform, which is particularly painful for me as the Far Cry series has always been my #1 desired addition to GOG. With my #2 being the Mechwarrior series.