i love fire emblem and all the characters in the entire series. this version was the easy version which i didn't know where you can train your guys and everything else and grind to make your troops better and then there is the sort of new game plus which was a bonus but it wasn't a new game plus it was more like you get to keep certain things. anyways birthright is hands down fantastic i own all the versions but i like the last version where you create your own faction and the stories are super epic! i hate when you have choose between any version of games just to have certain characters which you can't have unless you have so and so copy of. but the latest one for this version where you can literally choose your own rights hands down the best game ever. too bad they don't support online friend support anymore cause that was also a plus where you can help your friends out and do cool stuff even though there not online. you get to visit your friends castle and get goodies. so if no one ever played the game when it was first available then you defiinitely missed out since like i said they shut the game online function and you can't buy the games dlc and other maps that you wanted. i was able to buy what i want out of the game at the time and haven't regretted it since. would love to play it on pc if GoG adds it to their listings of classic.