Story:Zounds! And Gadzaoks! You were just out to do a little target practice with your bow and arrow when you lost your way. Now the moon is coming out and there are some strange rustling noises coming from the bushes, Egad! You have mistakenly wandered into the Forbidden Forest.
Only your skill as an archer can protect you now. Here they come. Giant spiders and unbelievable cruel monsters. Move quickly, aim accurately, destroy the monsters and you just may escape from the Forbidden Forest!Show more
It is an early game, primitive but fun to play with awesome creepy music, good game for its time and began to show what a C64 was capable of and I always wanted a sequel to this!
Before Silent Hill this game defined horror by atmosphere. C64 music is primitive by today's standards, and the graphics are laughable. But play this on a stormy night, and see if the hair on the back of your head doesn't still stand up.