Growing up this game was almost mythical in how my one friend had an XBOX with this dual disc featuring SEGA GT 2002 and some inline skating game with a wicked cover. I'd go over to his house and we'd jam out to the OST while having the best gaming experience of our young lives. Everything about it was so enticing, from the cell shaded cartoonish art style, to the "down with the man" attitude, this game had it all. Between all the kids in the cul-de-sac we each had a signature character nobody else could use. Mine was Yoyo.
Fast forward a few years and we moved apart. I missed my friend a lot, but I also missed this game. I dreamed about it. It was only until I reached college that I finally decided to buy it again for myself and even playing with the intense lag of backwards compatibility on the 360 I fell in love all over again. It's fresh, it's funky, the world feels vibrant and alive, and later it inspired my new favorite game of all time (Bomb Rush Cyberfunk). JSRF still holds a place in my heart as my first and longest running favorite game, and I still like to revisit it from time to time. I just wish it had been ported to Steam like its predecessor. Keep this game alive, and bring it to a new generation of gamers. Kids these days need to "Stop. Playin games." and understand the Concept of Love.