Game modes:Single player, Multiplayer, Split screen
Story:There are four overall areas the player (as Lt. William Holt) will be sent to: France, North Africa, the Soviet Union and Belgium. Each area has a set of missions for the player to complete. While some objectives will be detailed from the start, exploration of the area will cause Holt to discover more missions. Each mission consists of five elements: a primary objective, secondary objectives, killing a German officer (Nemesis battle in the game), obtaining documents from the officer and escaping. If all are completed, a gold medallion will be given. Missing one or two will gain a silver or bronze. Most missions involve Holt fighting alongside allied NPCs and working towards a common objective, often based on historical events during WWII. However, as a member of the OSS, Holt also has secondary objectives for each level, including finding documents and eliminating important German officers, such as henchmen belonging to the antagonist Graf Von Schrader.Show more
Gostaria muito que medal of honor estivesse na loja, eu compraria todos. Joguei durante muitos anos da minha infância e não consigo encontrar a venda em nenhuma loja. OBS: não gosto de emuladores, muitos vem com vírus e não sei diferenciar.
grałem w tą część bo kupiłem sobie na X360 ale wiem że ta gra jest już wydana po medalu na kompa i chciałbym żeby była wydana po polsku bo już sama grafika i jest fajna .
This was the only game my dad would ever play that wasn't a boring sports game when I was growing up as a kid and being able to play this with him is one of the few memories I have playing games with him. It be really cool to be able to revisit this game with modern hardware where its a lot more accessible to reexperience those memories.