Truly was one of the greatest racing games of all time. With an HD texture mod, this game could, and should, make a big comeback.
Seriously, I miss this game.
I looked forward to nothing else when I came home from school, and it was just me and my xbox, I'd boot this up and revel in the slapstick chaos.
Had a wicked sense of humour, too. Everything you did had an absurd effect in the game, and it was above all else FUN.
Also I gotta hand it to the devs, they knew their car culture. This game was a real car-lover's delight, so many classic cars, and all the big models of the early 2000s, from the eternally gorgeous Koenigsegg CC, to the disgusting Chrysler PT. They were all there in their shiny 3D glory. This game represents an era of racing games for me, one which I wish Microsoft would bring back. But if we can get this game on GOG, we'd be halfway there.