Ok, these Moraff games... they are... well, they are a snapshot of times before games became templatized. I mean, sure, these are basic dungeon hacks, but they are just flat out WEIRD. The races are silly, calling hobbits Hobos to bypass trademark and setting a completely different feel. Monsters are things like Giant Puffballs that explode when you hit them and permanently raise or lower your stats. Walking trashcans and toxic waste barrels. Serpent people rendered in the most eye jarring choices of the 16 colors that were available.
There were, I think maybe 4 of these? I remember Dungeons of the Unforgiven being the one that had the best set of features. I'd love to get them all back. If nothing else, watching a Gen Z twitch streamer cut through the pure insanity of these games would be worth the cost to get the launchers set up. No remaster or updates, just wacky old EGA/CGA psychotropic dos goodness.