Story:Experience the exhilarating full-adventure Naruto Shippuden and follow Naruto Uzumaki on all his fights.
With more than 12 million Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM games sold worldwide, this series established itself among the pinnacle of Anime & Manga adaptations on videogames! As every good story comes to an end Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is going to be the ultimate STORM game! For the first time ever, a Naruto/Naruto Shippuden game will take advantage of the graphics power of the new generation of consoles.Show more
I remember going over to my friend's house in middle school to play this game. I always got my ass kicked but those were great memories i made with friends i have to this day. I wanna play it again with them later to experience it with them again
This game is the epitomy of the Naruto Storm series. I really love this game! If I could buy a DRM free version of the entire Naruto Storm series, and specielly this game, it would be amazing!