I personally considered this to be the greatest One Piece game I ever played. I already was blown away by One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 and Unlimited: World Red Deluxe Edition. My expectations were quite high prior to playing Pirate Warriors 4. WOW this was virtually amazing stuff. Somehow it truly delivers the true One Piece video game experience imaginable!!! You get plenty of rememberable characters including DLC ones. You get a great campaign that's based on a lot of arcs from the manga. Wano portion is loosely based on it. Similar to how Dressrosa Arc from Pirate Warriors 3 was there. In every category this game truly fantastic. From start to finish, Pirate Warriors 4 is insanely fun. You really don't wanna stop playing this. It's one hell of a party you never wanna leave. This really felt like the story in a way I never thought was possible. Here's an One Piece game you really need to play before you die. Playing this before you do, you're already dying happier than Gol D. Roger. Plenty of content to keep you busy for months possibly a few years. This is easily among the greatest anime games I ever played!!!