This game is unbelievably fun, and has been on my top 5 all-time for a long time. An action game centred purely on the joy of chaos. You are a soldier with psychic abilities, in a fairly run-of-the-mill story, but when you get your hands on the controller, you realise how little that matters.
Where other games that attempted to introduce 'powers' tend to have you switch or select, this one made real effort to ensure all of your abilities were on separate buttons, to ensure you can use them in combination to hilarious effect. Sure, you will have great fun picking up boxes or barrels or soldiers and whomping them against walls and ceilings, better still picking them up, setting them on fire, THEN throwing them like a screaming molotov. Or better yet, pick someone up, shoot them a bit, then fling them up into the sky like a haemorraging firework. This game is just pure joy, and I pray for the day I can play it again easily.