I first came across this game on PS3, while going through what was probably one of the toughest, most conflicting times of my life. I got it from a local retail store that no longer exists, and I recall sneaking away from my schedule here and there to get some play time and try to keep my sanity. I remember that on my most stressful days I would spin the CD, sit back and listen to that bard in the main square playing and singing a little bit of "Sacred", by Blind Guardian. I have suffered with chronic anxiety my whole life, but going back to the sunny elfic cities within this game always had such a soothing effect on me... Right now I'm going through the entire series again, all the way back to the gritty, political plot of Sacred Gold, into the colorful beaches and austere cities of Sacred 2 and that adventuring B-movie vibe of part 3. In a way, Ancaria is a little bit of a home, just like Britannia used to be - a place to rest one's heart and meet one's friends from time to time. And now that life took on a different path, and I met love, and purpose, and cure, and found the true nature of the word "sacred" in my God's heart, I have to come back and say "thank you" to every artist involved in creating this piece, and every professional (from the original dev team to the GOG staff, and everyone in between) that pushed on to preserve it to this day. You have made a tremendous difference in my life, and my words are too rustic to convey the feeling. Stay with my truest gratitute. God Bless you.