We grabbed this game from a bargain bin on the day we brought home our Xbox and were expecting disappointing shovelware: Not at all. We had so much fun with this game, and are still quoting lines from it to this day. It's a game that looked at the original movie, saw its humour and the neat spins it gave to fairytales and really took it to heart. There is a LOT of heart and energy put into this game. The controls really keep shrek being an ogre in mind (you can grab, fart and burp) but are dropping him into mostly bright nursery rhyme and fairytale environments, creating a great contrast. The game rewards you for exploring each world, too. While the controls could be a tad floaty, it almost added to it? It suited Shrek. I'd love to play this again, the writers' freedom shined through to me as a kid so I bet I'd appreciate it on another level now