Story:SimAnt is a simulation strategy game which makes you a head of ant colony. There are 3 ways to play SimAnt: Quick Games, Full Games, and Experimental games.
In Quick Games you are a black ant colony competing with a red ant colony for food and territory. Your goal is to defeat the red ants and take over your home turf - the local patch of ground in the backyard. Your task will be complicated by marauding spiders, voracious ant lions, torrential rains, crusing human feet and merciless lawn mowers.
In Full Games you must take over the entire backyard section by section. Then take over the house and drive out the humans. In addition to hordes of red ants and other pests, you will face the chemical death of inescticides
In Experimental Games, you are a human playing and experimenting with ants. Your tools let you build walls and barriers to run ants through mazes, add food, add ants, dig of fill in holes, test ants' reactions to various trail marking and alarm chemicals, and play with insecticide.Show more
I broke my leg the first day of summer vacation one year. I had a full summer stuck in a cast. So as you might imagine i played a lot of games. The one i rented the longest was SimAnt. And when the summer ended i got it on PC and I could actually beat it there lol. All the sim games need to come back.
Esse jogo além de curioso e muito engraçado e divertido, cria sua colônia de formigas e não é para qualquer um não, eu quero muito que a gog coloque esse jogo para ter uma chance de poder jogar e quem saber apreciar. seria muito bom
I played this game all the time whenever I went over to my friends house and loved it <3 Would love to be able to play it again! And, yes, the "death ant" still scares me to this day!
I used to play this game with my brother when we went to our grandmother's house, It was awesome.
We could spend the whole day playing it without stopping It is such a great simulator and it would be a shame for it to become abandonware