I knew nothing about this game. It was last June when my twin showed me a video talking about forgotten DS games, and this was in the lightening round. It caught my eye because it had dogs and cat, and it was in 3D. I then decided to check it out, and it changed me forever.
I never played a game like this. Again, I had zero idea what this was. That helped this game really shine. I got to experience the gameplay, the visuals, the music, and the story with no idea what comes next, and that was special.
While the game is filled with memorable character and some great one-offs, Red and Elh are the heart and soul of this game, and it paid off as they are the best part about this game. Watching them grow and affect those around them was special to watch.
This may be a DS game, but there is no use of touch screen here. Just both screens and the buttons are used, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. The video I watched said that the people who play this game love it, and I agree with that one hundred percent.
If you get the chance, I implore you to try it out. From the moment I started playing, I could see all the love and care put into this game, and to see it again would be amazing. It turned my into a hardcore Little Tail Bronx fan, and reignited my love for storytelling, music, and surprisingly voice acting.
Thank you for reading this, and have a good day.