Space Hulk: Deathwing (2018) was just eye candy, with little to offer as far as gameplay.
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels (1995) is unique in that it combines a first-person sh00ter with the tactical and strategic gameplay of the board game.
Unlike other first person sh00ters, you are not a Superman, you can't you recklessly storm into a room full of hostiles, miraculously kill everything, and take little damage (like playing Goldeneye on Agent level).
Like the board game, each room entry and exit had to be strategically thought out like a SWAT operation. This is thinking man's game, not a brainless first person sh00ter.
This is the type of game people mean when they say, "they don't make games like that anymore," because there ISN'T another game like this. I've looked hard for an alternative, but even its own successor, Death Wing, doesn't come close.
Please bring this classic back. This would be a Day 1 purchase for me.
Side note: It's ridiculous you can't say the word "sh00ter" in your story. Or an "error" will prevent you from posting. GOG realizes FPS games exist, right?