One of my favourite games ever. As an Australian I have barely seen snow in real life, much less ever been snowboarding. But this has to be one of the greatest games from my childhood. I still play it every now and then via emulator. Its such pure fun, I love the music and the charming sterotypical early 2000s characters and the entire vibe of this game. The other games in this franchise cant hold a candle to how dear this game is to my heart. So many great memories and such a great game, cant believe its so low on the "dreamlist". I really hope this can be on GOG one day or even just a remaster, but EA are too busy with Fifa loot boxes and shady stuff to ever give this franchise the time of day. Sad. It would be my dream to make a spirtual successor to this game one day if I ever won the lottery, this and a "Morrowind-like" rpg. Get all the modern slop off the top spots on the dream list and give games like these the top spots, come on guys.