I was lucky to have access to this game shortly after its release, despite always being a bigger fan of Command & Conquer, Starcraft is without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most important games I ever played.
Not fully understanding English at the time made it difficult to make heads or tails of all the story bits, but while it wasn't the first game that made me realize the full potential of storytelling in video games, it did make me hopeful for the future of the medium even at a young age.
I have some important memories of hosting LAN parties at my house, only having access to two PCs, organizing very basic tournaments with friends and family.
It sparked a competitive spirit in me that, for the next few years, pushed me to plan and organize events that are still vivid in my memory. These events helped me shape a strong social life, that marked my first steps into adulhood and also helped me understand what it means to be an adult.
Thanks Blizzard, hopefully one day we see you release this game on GOG and help more people keep this alive so more people can experience it!