When I was very young, I can't remember when, I used to visit family abroad and when we went to the beach there, we would sometimes go down to the arcade there and play Sunset Riders. It was my brother, my cousins and I and the 4-player arcade version was perfect for us. We would play so much, but we were so bad at it. Then, after the first time we had played it on arcade, my dad bought the game for our Sega Mega Drive and my brother and I loved playing the game as much as possible. We played co-op, versus, single player taking turn. We finished the game several times and we had our favorite characters from the go. Billy was my favorite and my brother would play Cormano, no questions asked. Always like that. We would try different difficulties, try different ways of playing the game. It wasn't our favorite, but for some reason, it's the one I most associate with having fun with my brother. To this day I listen to the music of that game and feel a tug in my heart, thinking back at the days when I would play this game with my brother, having the best fun ever. Having this game again would be amazing, especially if there was the chance of playing it online with my brother, since we live far from each other. I believe this game never got the love it deserved and perhaps a new generation of gamers would appreciate it more.