by Eidetic, 989 Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Themes:Action, Warfare, Stealth
Game modes:Single player
Story:Syphon Filter is a third-person shooter stealth video game developed by Eidetic and published by 989 Studios exclusively for PlayStation. The plot centers on special agents Gabriel "Gabe" Logan and Lian Xing who are tasked by the United States government to apprehend a German international terrorist.
GOAT GAME played this way too much as a kid, stiffy animation but so fun, when you're a fan of MGS this was as close as it got and boy was the two player mode legendary! MASS UPVOTE THIS
What makes this game special?
1. The Taser
3. M-79
4. Gabe. Screw Sam and Sneek, I'ma kick this door and bang one of our choppers.
5. The lines. Succu mb(why is this word censored gog) to me saying Logan's lines on every mundane actions mwahaha
6. "Go torch em. Burn it all! Vut hwat avout zis seefawn? Leave nothing! Now I will show you how I deal with informants. Finish him. With pleasure.. ThesearethecoordinatesthatElissent*blam* *turn around* Overthere".
7. Anatomy101 with the sniper rifle. Identify where is the head and trace your bullets to the correct answer
8. Washington DC stage
9. The Main Menu Music Slaps
10. Realizing that fullbody armor is bulletproof armor. Hard yes, but we've been so excited and on our toes. Why? Because we're Logan.
This is the only game where a tazer is a lethal weapon. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you've never played this game. Besides that, as someone who grew up on the PS1, this was our equivalent of Nintendo's Goldeneye and honestly? I think we got the better game in the end.
The one Thing I really remember is that Commercial. that alone made me want to play this game. Even tho it had a weird controlling It was still fun. And the story was awesome as well.
This was the first game I completed as a child, it is very entertaining, a good story, a variety of weapons, stealth mechanics and a lot of shooting, it brings back very good memories.
A pre tom clancy game with serious good voice acting for a psx game :D loved it still do bought ps5 version 10 euro still worth it :D ( understanding english now is a plus)
really great game! i would love to see it on gog!
one of the first games like this that i played on a playstation. reeeeelllyyyyy goooooood game :D :D :D :D:D:D:D:D:D