This is one of my favorite games from my childhood. It always brings back nostalgia and pleasant memories. The first time I played it was in the demo version, after which I asked my father to buy it during a business trip for my birthday (I lived in a small town where there were no CD stores). The gameplay did not seem easy to me - the game manual did not reveal all the nuances of the gameplay mechanics, and I had to do a lot at random, after numerous mistakes. I often quit the game at some difficult moments for me (I was 12-13 years old). The Mausoleum, Bank, and Power Plant missions were especially difficult. I just love the music from this game - it is truly beautiful! Unfortunately, the developers cut out a lot of content when creating the game - NPCs, loot elements, and even an entire location. For example, they removed the Jewelry Store near the Hotel - only the park remained there - although this oriental-style building remained in trailers and on CD packages in many countries. This is very sad. I even heard that some players managed to get and play the demo version with this deleted location, but I didn't :(
Of course, I would like to see the game re-released, it has been undeservedly forgotten by many and it would be nice if it were available again. It would be even better if we could find some materials on the game containing the content deleted at release, but this is, of course, a difficult task - the developer and publisher have long since ceased to exist (although there are their heirs who, it seems, have the rights).
This game has its own indescribable charm and atmosphere and I would not like it to disappear from the memory of players.