If you ever dreamed of being a 5 Star General then this is the game for you this is a voice controlled option. Game is like rock paper scissors. Helicopters beat tanks, personnel transports beat helicopters, and tanks beat personnel transports. This is a real time strategy game not turn based. the game has riflemen, troops and engineers. Riflemen always beat engineers. tho, engineers always beat any vehicle up close. i wont even get into talking about the command vehicle that gives you orbital coverage of the battlefield, or the artillery that has ridicules range. So much to cover. This game is amazing all units are upgradable, rather promotable, as long as they survive 3 super weapons for all, and a nuke availability to the loosing team , yes up to 8 player online or 4v4 or 2v2,1v1. if we can find a server. So much tactics so little time, not COD you command your troops to do your bidding. they to the work, or die tring. Under rated 5 star game. I love this game. solo Campaign is a ww3 sim