I grew up with all five PS1 Twisted Metal games. Among my top 3 was Twisted Metal 4. The second and last Twisted Metal game by 989 Studios. This was a huge step up from Twisted Metal 3. Sure a lot of endings are alright. The soundtrack itself became iconic. You get some good levels that had secrets. I respected they made Sweet Tooth the host of the Twisted Metal tournament. He always been my favorite Twisted Metal character. This also presented us with the previous host, Calypso being a selectable character. Twisted Metal 4 was a surprisingly fun game. Despite having the most boss fights in the entire series. It's a little more than the other four TM game bosses combined. My favorite two levels always been the bedroom and Sweet Tooth's carnival. The bedroom is a precursor to Twisted Metal: Small Brawl. Sweet Tooth's carnival was beautiful done. This level when you take time to explore is truly amazing. You also get everything among beating the game. Hidden levels that's not quite complete but surprisingly fun levels. All the boss characters now playable. I also love you can play as Rob Zombie!!! They even put a shorten music video in his ending. Twisted Metal 4 was quite unexpected as well as unique. I would love to play this on GOG. I have a lot of fun memories playing this game.