I first borrowed Vandal Hearts II from a friend in 1999/2000 on PS1. I was blown away by its mature, bloodfilled story; a rarity for JRPGs at the time, let alone a turn-based strategy JRPG. The game literally begins with a town being massacred and pillaged in bloody, shocking 2D pixel sprite detail. Political and religious drama, backstabbings, and a lot of taboo topics are featured in the game's plot. All thanks to a masterful localization by Nob Ogasawara who also did Pokemon Red/Blue (and many more), Terranigma, and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
The game's strategic combat was fun if not tricky; because your character and the enemy AI both act at the same time, you have to "second guess" your opponent and figure out what their action will be to gain the upper hand. Think they're going to hit your weakest character from behind? Move the unit behind their anticipated spot and swing into that tile and you'll gain the upper hand.
And I haven't even mentioned the MUSIC! It's honestly one of the best and most underrated PS1-era soundtracks of all time; it has a lot of orchestral/classical influence and is composer Hiroshi Tamawari's magnum opus. Lots of great melodies and variety and a treat to your ears.
Given Konami's push to bring back Suikoden with the remaster of I & II, they really need to do Vandal Hearts I & II, next! Honestly can't believe VHI and II have never been re-released, ever (not even as a PSone Classic on PS3/PSP/Vita).